Cycles and Structures: A Perspective for a better tomorrow

We are living in some unique times. Just try going outside. The way we see the world has a major impact on the way we behave in it. I’ve been practising this perspective for more than 5 years, and it can help you too.

You ever had that moment where you felt pulled to behave in a certain way? Where even though you may not have wanted to do something, you were pressured to from outside forces. Could be going out with friends, a religious event, or even something work related. What if we had the opportunity, from outside forces, to now behave in a more positive form? To be more loving, caring, giving and conscious?

Im going to share is a perspective to help understand the times we live in, and how these times have an incredible opportunity for development, growth and evolution for all of us. These can be beautiful times.

A few things I need to cover, to help it all come together are :-

  1. Discuss how we define a cycle through a simple example of a swing.
  2. Highlight the cyclical nature of universe, life and atomic structure.
  3. How these cycles are more like structures from our perception. This will happen by evaluating how we experience time.
  4. I will portray how man is using his creative power to create his own structures, much like how structures exist in the universe.
  5. How the times we live can be a positive time when the structures we created are fading, and there is space for new structures to emerge.

Before we begin, a small note. The article goes over an analysis of nature, physics and time. The first three parts can be a little technical. If you wish, read the summary at the end of section 3 and begin section 4. Don’t give up because of the technicality 😊

I’ll have more notes at the end.

1. Defining a cycle

There are three components to a cycle. They are:-

  1. An object
  2. A central line, or axis
  3. A force

This will make sense in just a minute. To better explain this, I will use the example of a swing, and then a circular swing. Yes, these are structures you would find in a child’s playground or theme park. Regardless, the laws of nature exist on all levels. By examining these, we can have a concrete understanding of what makes a cycle.

The swing

We all remember getting on the swing and enjoying the movement of going up, reaching the highest point, and then moving backwards, until we hit another high point, before swinging back again.

If you were really young, and didn’t yet know the gymnastics of making the swing go faster on your own, you had one begrudging individual pushing you.

When the swing moves, over time, it forms a cycle. Can you identify the three components here?

A swing, seen from the side.

The object is the person seated (i.e. you). The force is, in this case, the person pushing you. The axis is the central line from which you began to rotate.

There are a few things I’d like to highlight here, which become evident upon observation.

The reason the swing is moving, from its stationary position, is because a force is acting on it. The physical force pushes it out of balance and begins a movement that makes it swing back and forth.

If a consistent physical force is acting on the swing, then the swing will continue to go back and forth in the same fashion indefinitely. Meaning, should the begrudging individual continue to push you with the exact same force, you will experience the same high points and speed throughout the experience of being on the swing.

This swing can be deemed a cycle, one where the object moves from a position back and forth on its axis, in a constant rhythm. Let’s graph the swing as distance from center against time.

The movement of a swing, graphed over time. Center axis is stationary position.

The cycle has a middle axis, and as its position is graphed against time, it moves back and forth along the axis.

You move first to the right, hit a high point, or as far away from the axis as possible, and then return, moving backwards now, to the same distance from the axis. This repeats continuously. With time being vertical, you have a wave-like graph.

It’s important to note that this is graphed over time. We are creatures bound by time, and therefore must examine life as a movement through time. More on time in just a minute.

Understanding the cycle of a swing over time will help us create a foundation for how the cycles in the universe work, while also helping us understand our own lives and the times we live in.

There is another important aspect to the cycle that we need to address before we examine everyday cycles. That is the constructing and deconstructing cycle.

Constructing cycle and deconstructing cycle

Say you are now on the swing again. Imagine that you are causing the swing to occur by kicking off and then using your body to propel you forward. In the beginning, you will be moving only a little. With each subsequent swing, you would move even further. If we graphed this, you would have the constructing cycle as seen in the first graph.

Should you now stop exerting any force to continue the swing, you will gradually return back to no movement, or 0. You would end up sitting on a swing that is not moving. This would be called a deconstructing cycle, since the cycle that existed is now coming to an end.

It is certainly possible for a cycle to be constructing, maintain itself with a consistent force for long periods of time, before deconstructing. This is what you will find in reality.

Okay, we understand cycles now, however it’s from a two-dimensional perspective. Since we live in a three-dimensonal world, that is with length, breath and height, I must outline how a cycle looks in 3-d space.

The circular swing

After many months of playing on the boring normal swing, you finally got the opportunity to play on the circular swing. Here’s an example of the swing I’m talking about.

Imagine that there is just one swing in the center though, and you begin to rotate from the center outwards.

You will again begin with a constructing cycle, have a constant cycle and then deconstructing cycle. This time, however, the graph will look more circular. The reason is because time is now on the z-axis, or coming out of the paper. A set of graphs, similar to the 2-d model, will look like the ones below.

The constructing and deconstructing cycle looks the same, however one begins from 0, and the other is ending at 0.

Another visual help, in the form of the solar system, can be found if you scroll down. It’s a 3-d GIF.

These are vital concepts, as at times we are disillusioned by the consistency of the world around us. We assume what is will be, forever. The truth is, everything in the world that we exist in is flowing in these cycles. Cycles within cycles, within more cycles.

Now that we have clarity about what a cycle is, let’s get into the next part, the cycles of nature. By understanding the cycles of nature, and then an examination of time and our perception of it, we will get into the cycles man has created, which will be a vital concept to getting perspective on why the times we live in are quite incredible.

2. The Natural Cycles of the Universe

All around us are representations of natural order taking place. Natural order simply is, it flows in harmony with reality without effort. It maintains itself without effort due to the laws of nature. There is the natural order of the solar system, stars and galaxy, and then that of life on earth, and even at the microcosmic level, the atom.

Why is it important to examine these natural cycles?

I could just get into the cycles of man and be done with it.

From my experience, when we can evaluate a concept, and notice it’s origination first in nature, and then find validity of a concept across as many areas of life as possible, we begin to believe and use the concept as a foundation for understanding reality. Otherwise, it becomes a ‘nice idea’ that we talk about at social gatherings, and not a core principle of our lives.

With that said, lets dive in.

Let us observe the most basic cycle that governs the day, the rotation of the earth on its axis. Through this rotation, we experience day and night, and the day and night cycle governs all life as we know it. Notice how it is rotating on an axis.

We have the moon around the earth. This cycle alters the low and high tides on earth, and affects marine life that interact with coast lines. The moons cycle cause the new moon and full moon. The effects of the moons highs are noted in many religions around the world for their subtle properties and spiritual attributes.

Then comes the rotation of the earth around the sun. This too governs life on earth in a very pragmatic way – seasons change in the northern and southern hemisphere, altering our way of living due to changes in weather patterns and environment. Humanity has associated many pivotal days in this cycle, such as the spring and autumn equinox and the summer/winter solstice as festive or spiritual days. The summer/winter solstice are the high points of this cycle.

Here is a Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) that help illustrate the cycles of our solar system. Notice the similarity between the cycles we just spoke about earlier. (Also, bet you haven’t seen GIF spelt out, almost ever 😉 )

Our solar system, the sun and planets travelling yonder.

We also a little unaware of some of the larger cycles that we exist within. Some are so large, the effects of them are too subtle for us to be aware. Still, we exist within them, and they become larger and larger as we keep stepping back out into space. Some examples below. It is key to get the perspective that we are not experiencing life going in one direction, but that life is going in cycles.

There is the wobble of the earth around its own axis. The earth is tilted and not exactly vertical. This tilt creates the opposite seasons in the northern and southern hemisphere. This wobble takes 26,000 years per full cycle.

The sun’s transition above and below the galactic equator is a much longer cycle, taking 46 million years.

Finally, another large cycle I will outline is the sun around the galactic centre, which takes 230 million years.

Moose, why are you telling me about 230 million year cycles?!

I’m doing it because we really don’t realise that the whole cosmos is cycling! We stop looking at the natural order of the universe and look at human order. If you ask me, human order is quite discorded, I’d rather base my views on something a little more concrete.

Okay, continuing on.

As we observe natural order, we see how each smaller cycle fits into the larger cycle, working together to create a variety of circumstances. Some physical representations are the eclipses, super moons and blood moons.

Countries living closer to the equator do not notice such variations in the seasons, though the moon’s effect remains generally constant throughout the world.

In the above examples, can you see the 3 ingredients to a cycle? The axis is the ‘rotating around’ part, the object is the planetary body, and the force is the force of gravity. The force of gravity helps maintain the cycle in equilibrium. It is a stable, constant force.

An important note – We do not fully understand gravity. We observe it’s effects, and for our purposes that is enough. We do not need to have a complete understanding of a force, only observe the effects and live accordingly. When we take a step forward, we know we will land on the ground, and not shoot off into space. We place trust in our experience of something, rather than the mental, book knowledge.

If I just spoke about the cycles of planetary bodies, it would leave a gap as to how our day to day life has cycles as well. I have to examine the concept on as many levels as possible (without you getting utterly bonked and closing the tab) to cement how cycles are a foundation of our reality.

Natural Cycles of Biology and Atoms

Then there are the natural rhythms of biology.

The circadian rhythm of the human body is one that governs our sleep/wake patterns. Through generations, our body has adapted to the cycles of day and night to produce our internal biological clock. The force being the food we eat that keeps us alive, and the intelligence of our body.

There is the menstrual cycle of women. Women intuitively are more attuned to the cycles and rhythms of life due to having a deeply ingrained cycle within their system. When their cycle is not in appropriate flow, women know something has misaligned.

Plants and animals flow through these natural cycles as well. Through observation, we can state that  life on earth flows with the larger cycles much better than humanity. More on this disparity of flow-adherence between man and other animals later.

Our body is functioning due to the consistency of an important cycle, the cycle of our heart. We are not seen as alive without the cycles of our heart. The central cycle that all else in our body adheres to, or the major cycle of our body, is the cycle of our heart.

It behoves me to talk about the building blocks of all life, and the cycles that it goes through. That building block is the atom.

Magnesium, proton/neutron center, and the electrons in cycle around the center, in concentric circles.

Much like a solar system, the atom also has its central axis, with electrons zooming around it in circular patterns. There are different levels of patterns, with some electrons closer to the center and others further away. Through research, we understand that the force holding the outer most electrons in cycle is weaker, and they are much easier to remove from cycle than the more centralized electrons.

This effect of an easier removal of an object in cycle that has a weak force binding it is also apparent in our planetary bodies. The most apparent one is Pluto which has the most absurd cycle. Pluto is usually off and about, doing his own thing in the solar system. If you look at the solar system GIF I posted, it’s the one farthest from the sun. In fact, tragically, the people of Earth has begun to even deny Pluto as being a real planet in cycle around the Sun, and has been ostracized from the planetary group. This paragraph is obviously more for humour, however take note of the similarity between the small, microscopic world we don’t see, and the large, planetary macroscopic world we live in.

Every pattern mentioned exists first as nothing, then constructs a cycle based on a force, maintains the cycle, and/or gradually deconstructs the cycle.

What I’d like for you, dear reader, to take away most from what I’ve shared is that life is in constant cycle, rhythm and swing. Everything in reality is in movement. All movement is moving in one cycle or another, nothing is static. Even as I write this at 4 in the morning, I’m in cycle as well. We can never fully divorce ourselves from the flow of life.

Mankind has the ability to create his own cycles. We have the ability to alter the flow, construct new cycles and rhythms, create alternate cycles and swings, even if they are not in accordance with natural order. Before I get into the cycles of man, there’s another key concept I need to elaborate and cement

That concept is how we perceive time.

By understanding our perception of time, our cycles will begin to seem more like structures.             

3. Time and structure

Let’s talk a little about time. Not the easiest of concepts, however I promise my friend, Miss. Ant, and I, will make it easier.

How do you perceive time? We might look at a clock, look outside or check our calendar. We might feel time moving slowly when we are bored, and moving incredibly fast when we are having fun.

Regardless, what we know for certain is that we are moving through time. Let me break this down.

It’s 4:30 am for me right now. I can state, with incredible certainty, that 6:30 am will arrive, and with it the sunrise. This is certain, because I don’t have much choice on the matter. I cannot state that I’d like to move backwards, sideways, or jump to another point in time. I am locked in time.

This is similar for you. No matter which way you spin it, as long as you are alive, you will experience tomorrow, next month, next year, etc.. This is all very predictable. It is as if you are moving on a line, with the only way to go being forward. Nothing else is quite possible, other than you how you experience it (bored/having fun, drugs, to name a few).

We are very much like this ant, on a tight-rope, with the only choice forward.

Miss. Ant, traipsing on a line.

In fact, if there is no rope, the ant would not be moving. It can only move due to there being a rope.

If the above point is unclear, think of it like this. If I took Miss. Ant and dropped her in the middle of space. She would just float there, forever. (please don’t tell me she will freeze to death first. I’m not trying to be morbid).

Let us come back to humans and time.

We are moving on this line, this stable-rope. It is this movement we define as time.

It helps us relate. Yesterday I was on this point on the line, today I’m at this point. Between yesterday and today, all these things happened, as I walked on the line.

But wait! Is time actually just the movement on a line?

What do we know about how the universe works? That everything is flowing in a cycle. If everything is in a circle, and we experience life as a flow from day, to night, to day, from season to season, from year to year, then are we really on a line, or a circle?

Let’s return to dear Miss. Ant. We are going to zoom out drastically and take a look at where she is.

Miss. Ant, seen from a galaxy far, far away.

Right. She is walking in a circle. The reason it appears as a line is because she can’t see the larger perspective. If she was to jot down, take note, draw, use equipment or measure in some way her daily movement, over time, she will arrive at….. (finish the sentence).

Hint. The same place.

Of course, she would be a changed ant through the journey.

Similarly, when we jot down day to day, we realize that over time, we are moving in circles.

Okay, now to bring in the understanding of how our cycles are structures.

We define our lives based on the cycles of time. The certainty, stability, consistency allows us to live our lives.

Why certainty, stability, consistency?

Without the sun around the earth, we wouldn’t even have life on Earth. It’s the predictability that leads to life.

From the perspective of us living in these cycles, we can define cycles as structures. In our day to day living, we are not questioning our reality. We just say, “Yes, yes, tomorrow we can do the get together, and then in a month’s time we can go for Barney’s Bonanza.”. We form our lives with the certainty. And, if you want to hear more about Barney’s Bonanza, you will have to email me. Invite only.

Only through examination over a period of time, and a birds eye view, do we arrive at cycles. Therefore, we live within structures – larger structures within smaller structures.

But Moose, why do we need to use the word structures? I was happy with cycles and stuff, and now I’m not getting this whole cycle is a structure.

Let’s say it like this. When you build a building, you have a foundation. The foundation is meant to be solid, strong, immovable. Only then can you build a structure on of it. You can’t build something on something inconsistent, you aren’t certain how to build anything then! You have trust in the foundation to do its job.

If I were to use the word cycle, for foundation, what does it mean? Cycle means moving, changing, rotating. Based on our language, cycle does not sound stable, other than the fact that it will return to its starting point consistently.

Similarly, I can’t use foundation for structure, because foundation is just means something we stand upon. A structure is something we can exist inside of.

Our foundation is time. We then build a very large first floor. Then we build a second floor, and a third floor, and a fourth floor… Like a pyramid. We trust that when we build upon the floor we are on, all the underneath floors will be stable! Therefore, structure.

Alright. Time (pun) for a recap.

You understand what a cycle is. The object, axis, and force. Object, axis and force are all different, it is the pattern we notice, wave-like, that denotes a cycle.

You understand what natural cycles are. The Sun, earth, moon, life, plants, animals, atoms are all in cycle. There is no escaping this aspect regardless of where we turn.

You understand that cycles are creating stability, consistency and rigidity to our lives. This stability can be likened to existing within a structure, with strong foundations and floors that help us live our lives.

And the most important point. Everything in reality is in movement. All movement is us moving in one cycle or another, nothing is static. Even as I write this at 4 in the morning, I’m in cycle as well. We can never fully divorce ourselves from the flow of life.

Exceptional. At times, I will still use the word cycle, or rhythm because in some contexts its more appropriate, just keep in mind what I refer to. Now, let us get into the structures of man now shall we?

4. Structures of Man

I have already begun, in the earlier few paragraphs, to expand on the natural cycles/structures of Man. They flow as a part of natural order, or the intelligence of the body. Our thinking has little to do with the construction of these cycles.

Man is unique to all other life in that we have the ability to drift away from the natural structures of nature and create other structures to adhere to.

Allow me to share an example. The only light that man had for centuries was that of the sun. Our patterns of living were very much dictated by the light in the sky. Once we had the light of fire in the night, and then gradually electrical light, we were no longer tied as much to the structure of day and night. We created a more refined structure of existence that extended our activities well into the night. Therefore, we began to embrace a new structure.

Similarly, we created housing, water and food in such form that weather, famine and drought were less of an issue. We no longer had to deal with effects of rain, sun, snow or other weather patterns. Our food was now served at any time, and preserved perfectly for use whenever we pleased. No longer did we have to observe the sky and clouds, the scents of the air or the sounds of nature for our well-being and survival

Unlike all other animals, man can adhere to structures constructed from the creative expression of man. Although the above advancements I write about are beneficial, we have un-healthly disconnected from the cycles of nature, and we can see the repercussions in the world.

The force at work to maintain the above structures is not of natural order, it is the creative and free will power of man, that which defines us as different from all other life on earth. This power is available to all of us and is a natural force, similar to how the force of gravity acts exactly, consistently, in any part of the universe. We each can create, sustain, and end a structure. In the above circumstances, should we no longer farm, maintain our electrical grids or our infrastructure, we would revert to the cycles of nature from which we started from.

Through creative expression, we formed other types of structures that we are taught to adhere to. Take for instance religion. Religion is a structure that many people in the world accept. There are different religions of course, and those that abide to a structure, either by being born into it or through conversion, end up giving the religion their power. The religion then dictates certain ways of being, thinking and behaving that are appropriate for the religion, and then appropriate for the locality or smaller society in which we live in. In general, the religion structure continues and grows stronger with more followers, and more zealous followers as well. Power contributed either through time, thought, action and money help keep the structure maintained. Imagine here not just one individual pushing the swing, causing the swing to enter a pattern, but millions of people pushing the swing. The strength of the structure becomes much larger, and is felt by all around, including those who are not a part of the structure, such as other religions or people living near those following a certain religion. The world is filled with religions that have come and gone, such as Paganism, Animism and Zoroastrianism. They gradually disappeared due to the lack of power associated with them.               

When I speak of giving power to a structure, know that giving power is not inherently negative. By giving power to a structure, we find ourselves creating greater connection with those that do so as well. We may find community, resources, strength in numbers or opportunities upon which to exist. If you were dropped into the emptiness of space you would be unable to exist, relate or learn. By us adhering to a structure, we also reap many benefits. It is an exchange. At times, being a structure helps us nullify a fear. For instance, adhering to the structure of religion allows us to feel safer in the face of death. It may give us hope that good things are around the corner. The promise that the structure may provide something of use to us, be it eternal salvation or access to heaven, may not be true, however due to the strength of the flow of a structure, we get caught up in it. We are satiated by structures pull.

An example here could help cement the understanding. When I was young, I remember trying to create a whirlpool in a swimming pool with some friends. The idea was simple. If one person alone kept going in circles in a pool, a type of current would form. The current, although weak, could be felt by those coming to the vicinity of it. If one stopped going in circles, then the current would gradually cease to exist. If many people came together and went in a circle by holding hands, the current would be much stronger. So we all held hands and formed a circle, and kept going on rotating in a circle for a while. The current was stronger, proportional to the amount of people who helped contribute to the whirlpool. After we stopped, we still felt the current for quite a while, and felt the pull to flow with the current, rather than be still.

Similarly, education systems, organizations, work ethics or organizations, to name a few, all follow structure, formed from the power of each individual that adheres to it. If you observe closely many of these larger structures oppose one another and create divisions due to inherent fears and personalities of the people making up the structure. We become so caught up in the movement of the cycle, that we becoming negative to those of opposing political parties, religions, societies and even sport teams. Much like the pull of gravity that continues the movement of celestial bodies, the collective power of a structure holds adherents to a similar train of thought. An important point here – whoever creates the initial structure, and those in the beginning stages of a structure, have much more say about the attributes of a structure.

Even if you are not personally feeling fearful, or are disposed to thinking in a certain way, by accepting a structure, you will naturally feel the aspects of the structure and behave accordingly. We are so easily pulled in by structures, and only by being aware can we negate the pull.

A famous quote that brings this together, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do”. If you are within a certain structure (even civilizations, such as the romans, abided to a larger structure called ‘Romans’), by behaving in their fashion and temporarily accepting the structure, you would be more well-off, rather than opposing it and appearing foreign.

The more power we give to a structure, the more we receive in return. This statement certainly depends on the structure involved, so allow me to break it apart a little. Let us take the example of having a job in a multi-national company. Let us assume you start at a position that has the potential to grow. As you give your power to the company in exchange for resources, you begin to imbibe the philosophies, thoughts and mentalities of the structure. You fill your life with aspects of the company, maybe co-workers, or even a relationship. As you continue to give more creative power, and it develops the structure through more business or innovation, the structure rewards by increasing pay and promotion. You may even find your way to the higher paying jobs. At that point you may have given a considerable amount of power, and are also receiving. You are, as an individual, in greater flow with the company.

Remember the example of Pluto and distance electrons in the solar system/atom? The closer you are to the center of the cycle, the more pull you have towards that center, and the more difficult it is to leave the cycle. Also, the closer you are to the center, the more power you receive to ‘change’ the cycle or structure. The issue with our planets is that they are miniscule compared to the sun. However in manmade structures, the closer we get to the highest position, the greater our power to affect the structure. The CEO of a company has the greatest power in affecting the structure and flow of the company. This is also a responsibility, since the decisions and actions the CEO undertakes are a multiplicative effect throughout the structure, and may even result in the destruction of it.

In some cases, giving more power and receiving more fits well with our own uniqueness, or our own core structure. At other times, they do not. More on this below.

Even ideas have structure. The idea that by making a lot of money, appearing to be rich and wealthy, the status we hold in society and the appearance of our physical bodies are all held as views of being successful. Such ideas are constantly re-enforced through media, magazines, TV, pop culture, books, behaviour and through every portal possible in the world. These sources of re-enforcement are power given to the structure, often by people’s creative power being used as an exchange for money. We therefore adhere to this idea and begin to also aim for these material desires or qualities.

Here’s another example to further help understand how we are carried away by the structures of the world. Imagine you are caught in the currents of a river. You are immersed in the flow to such an extent, that you are swept away with no real understanding where you are. You don’t have the time to be aware of yourself and you enter a more survival-instinct state of being. You may get hurt and feel many emotions.  It’s only in the moment when you catch a branch, or hit a rock, that you can re-evalute where you are, what is going on and become clear on any damage you took, or how you feel.

By examining the last example, we can say that it’s only when we pause can we really begin to decipher what is going on. Some of our structures are strong to the point where we have lost awareness of ourselves; what we truly are passionate about and desire. It’s only when we find ourselves stuck, stopped in our tracks, that we begin to evaluate. As a world, we have not adequately developed, nor promoted, this aspect of life – the reflective, evaluative qualities that we so need. I will write about this at a later date.

Let us return to the structures man has created.  A truth about many of these Man-made structure is that they do not actually serve us, only falsely curb our fears. Like how religion may make promises for tomorrow, the other structures may promise a happier, more fulfilled life tomorrow. We are giving up our attention and energy towards structures that we are told, from a young age, to adhere to and believe in. Our teachers, religious leaders, politicians, community, culture, friends and family all become a part of this merry-go-round to re-enforce the structures that exist. It is much easier to go with the crowd than not. Much like how we disconnected from nature, we also disconnected from who we truly are, our own structure that makes us unique in the entire universe.

Let us return to our example of foundation and floors. First, let us look at our disconnect from nature. There is the earth floor below us. Now, with our creative ability, we can build anything we like using the earth floor as the foundation. We could build sustainably, in such a way where we don’t stress the earth floor. In a sustainable way, the earth floor would continue working as intended. However, what if we do not align, or disconnect, from the capacity of the earth floor? We build structures that are not compatible with the floor below us. What ends up happening is the earth floor will collapse, and we along with it.

We inherently come from the natural cycles of life. We naturally are meant to flow with the natural cycles of life. Our disconnect from this natural flow has come about due to the pull of these disconnected structures pushed upon us from birth.

This disconnect from nature and ourselves has resulted in catastrophic damage to the world. In our blindness, we allowed the elimination of much of the greenery of the planet, we polluted the planet with waste and garbage, we promoted the over-farming of land and sea which has resulted in massive ecological damage across the board, we defiled the land for resources and oil, and have hurt the animal kingdom. In our moment of pause, can we see the damage we have done? Can we see the destructive structures we abide to, and where they have taken us and the world?

More so, the disconnect from ourselves has resulted in a society that has become sick. Much of society, chasing after ideals of unhealthy structures, has left us unemotional and immune to the lives of others. We have become lost, forgetting how to truly connect with another because we have forgotten how to connect with ourselves. Ego, greed and pride have taken precedence, causing strife as a race of people feel alone and cold, yet not showing it. We have accepted parts of unhealthy structures as ourselves in our unawareness.

Still, there is a beauty emerging now. During this time, we hear story upon story of people helping other people. People are pooling resources together to create care-packages for those in need. Communities within streets and localities are coming together to connect and work together to get through the difficult time. Shop clerks, doctors, farmers, garbage collectors and other providers are seen as heroes and heroines for their contributions and sacrifices. Families and friends reconnect with ample time to spare, with no rush or hurry looming over their heads. The divisions that we so long fostered are subsiding. People are being viewed as people, and what we once thought mattered so much no longer is the case. It is as though we are awakening to a new truth, one that was blocked from view due to all the structures our attention was being pulled to.

5. A Beautiful Time

Why is this a beautiful time? We have finally reached our conclusion. Where are we going to give our power? The structures that have kept us in flow have weakened with the advent of a world lockdown. The strength of their current has reduced as the people, us, were not able to continue giving the same level of power we had before. When the power is less, the force sustaining the structure gets weaker.

Many of us are beginning to feel a type of ‘emptiness’, a lack of purpose, or awakening to something other than what we have known. This is occurring because the old structures, with their powerful currents, gave us meaning and purpose, which we may have associated with who we are. We got so caught up with the strength of the current, we identified with it. By being in these world structures, over time, we simply forgot who we truly are.

Now, the structures of our old world are de-stabilizing due to the changes Earth is experiencing. The question is, where will we place our power? Will we continue to adhere to the structures of old, which now require even greater amounts of our power to be sustained due to the instability, or do we find other structures, those which are more aligned with a brighter tomorrow and that feel true to our soul? The choice is ours.

Other Notes

There is a reason I took the path of explaining cycles, natural order and time in the way that I did. I could have phrased part 4 and 5, the structures of man and a beautiful time, without the previous explanations.

I have found that when we experientially examine our lives through the perspective of reality, and not simply man-made reality, but all of reality, we allow the concept to sink deep into our consciousness. It becomes a truth that we can then function from, rather than intellectual banter, lip service and past-time fanfair. By sharing a way of observing all of reality, and tying it to simple concepts, you are, in my opinion, more empowered.

To use this understanding, and make it your own truth, application through experience is necessary. If it does not feel right for you, leave it and take what you like. Be true to your own unique disposition.

Musical Inspiration

I often listen to music as a source of inspiration. During the writing of this passage, I listened to a mix which has a beautiful introduction. It speaks of what is happening in the world, and how we can always choose love. If you don’t listen to the entire mix, at least listen to the first 5 minutes.

astrangelyisolatedplace · ASIP – Through The Other Side (Mix for Astral Industries Takeover)

Auditory Personality

I believe that the beauty of life lies in the human connections. When we communicate through typed words, at times, we lose the human connectivity of sound. The dynamic nature of spoken, impromptu dialog introduces personality and camaraderie. To that end, I’m attaching a voice clip of me giving comments on the article and the initiation of this site. Enjoy 🙂

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